Ed Sheeran reveals the benefits of therapy in his life

Following a series of interviews regarding his life and the loss of his friend, Shane Warne, Ed Sheeran opens up to his own journey towards and through therapy.

Ed Sheeran Reveals Going to Therapy After Having Suicidal Thoughts: ‘I Didn’t Want to Live’

Ed Sheeran’s forthcoming documentary “The Sum of It All” shows a great deal that fans didn’t know about the singer. #EdSheeran #MentalHealth

Psycho-Sexual Counselling Course

We are all looking for love and affection in one form or another. As adults, that love also includes sexual gratification and physicality. Sometimes, what we want and what we get doesn’t match up, or there is a problem between two people. Relationships should be seen as a partnership and as such, there should be compromise if one party is more demanding than the other. This can lead to unhappiness, bitterness, anger and resentment. It is in these cases where a third party can sometimes help to work out the issues and the pathways to a happier and more fuilfilling relationship. It could be that the issues stem from a past experience which is affecting their current relationship or an ongoing problem that needs to be dealt with so that happiness can be restored.

I have recently completed a psycho-sexual therapy course which covers all aspects of sexual health and issues, covering subjects such as abuse, relationship issues, extra-marital affairs, frigidity and premature ejaculation. As my thesis for this qualification, I submitted work undetaken with my clients involved in the BDSM fetish world and how sometimes it can be an abuse of power and or trust.

Do You Need Someone To Talk To?

Do you need someone to talk to?

I’ve just seen this interview on BBC South News with Farrah Storr, editor-in-chief on Cosmopolitan, talking about relationships, close friendships and having someone whom you can have a good chat, rant or sound off with, and it made me wonder… how many of us have a close friend we can say all to?

Making friends seems a lot easier when at school, college, university, even at work but it gets harder, I think, as we get older. There are more things we need to spend time on; children, partners, work, family, maybe even ailing parents, meaning we have less free time to devote to building that special relationship with a friend, especially someone whom you can talk easily with.

When I worked long hours in the City for a large international corporate company, I was regularly so full of stress and anxiety, all I wanted to do was to offload all of that onto someone, which normally meant my long-suffering husband, but that wasn’t what he needed or wanted. Men I have found, as a woman and as a counsellor, can’t understand or cope with ranting women, it’s just not in their psyche. If there’s a problem, the male of the species prefers to solve it. In my case, my husband’s solution was “leave the job “or “put up and shut up”. However, as a woman sometimes those are not the answers we need, we may not even want an answer, just a place to rant about the day we’ve had!As a counsellor I see many clients who are experiencing problems with work, and/or relationships, most want solutions to their situations but some just want someone they can trust to talk to about what’s going on in their lives.

Having read the above article and after having had similar experiences, it has made me wonder if there is any mileage in offering a service for those who need to talk about their day, the situations that are affecting them, or those who feel the need to have someone available that they can offload to who is trusted, confidential and supportive.

I am not here as a friend but as counselling professional, someone who you can talk openly and honestly, in a confidential and supportive environment. If you feel that this would be beneficial to you, I am available for you to talk to either in a counselling format, as a sounding board for issues that are affecting you or for a good rant about your day. I can offer daytime or evening sessions, either face to face, by phone or by Skype.

Please see my website for details.



Counselling can help you. I am an experienced, qualified psychotherapeutic counsellor based in Chelmsford, Essex with an approachable, understanding personality. Let me help you unlock the power within. Take control of your life and achieve the goals you want in 2018. Please take a look through my website and make the call that could change your life for the better.


Challenge of the Day

Today’s Challenge of the Day is….to compliment others, say something nice about them and watch their reaction. You’ll also notice that you feel happier in doing so.  I know it feels strange, going up to a total stranger and saying something nice with a smile and walking away, but it really does boost their self-esteem and strangely enough makes you feel amazing too. I do it all the time, the more you do it, the easier it becomes.  Try saying “Great outfit, you look lovely” or “Amazing hair, you’re gorgeous” or “I’m loving your shoes, so stylish”
The immediate reaction will be shock, that a total stranger has complimented them and then they will smile. See how they walk away a little taller, feeling happier and more confident. And you too will feel good, knowing you’ve changed someone’s day. It might be the thing that makes all the difference to someone else’s life. Try it today and watch the benefits.
Tell me how you get on!
For more help with boosting your confidence and self-esteem, come and see me for some helpful hypnotherapy and/or counselling.

Can You Revive a Dying Relationship?


I saw some friends recently for a girly night out and talk quickly turned to their partners. I was quite surprised to hear it was not all hearts and flowers in their relationships. Boredom, unhappiness and dissatisfaction all featured in their love lives. This led me to think ….is this more commonplace than not? How many people in long term relationships are happy?

Being in a relationship with anyone, be it a business partnership or a romantic one needs constant work, enthusiasm and a whole lot of compromise for it to stay in tip top condition. In a romantic encounter, it’s easy to be enthusiastic at the beginning of a new relationship; it’s flattering to have someone find you sexy, attractive and alluring. So you dress your best, spending hours choosing the perfect outfit, you exfoliate, pluck, shave, moisturise and coiffure yourself to the last square inch, and when that is all done, the anticipation of the forthcoming date alone can be all consuming. Those butterfly feelings in your tummy prior to meeting and the warm glow you feel deep inside can be so intoxicating. On the date you may spend hours talking, holding hands, maybe until the sun comes up. Kisses are long and lingering, hot and passionate and the sex can be mind-blowing. So where does it all go wrong?

Perhaps it’s because it’s become too routine or a chore; it’s easier to put on those sweatpants and an old cardigan than to dress up. Maybe the “old man” hasn’t bothered to shave, isn’t looking as trim and buff as he used to, you’re tired, the kids are playing up, there’s a lot going on, work is stressful, you have deadlines to meet, you’re under pressure, you just don’t feel sexy any more, no one understands you. More often than not communication between you and your partner has stopped.

So many of my clients who see me for relationship problems tell me what they think is happening with their partners, but on closer investigation it turns out that they are not communicating with each other; they are assuming what the other person is thinking and then getting upset when their partner doesn’t know what’s wrong with them or their relationship, even though they haven’t told them. Until we learn the ability to read each other’s minds, we need to use our mouths to tell that person what we want and need.

In a world where we are all under so much pressure and stress, have money worries, job insecurities, feel uneasiness and uncertainty, it is easy to take it out at those closest. You can’t exactly tell the boss what he can’t do with his job, but you can take it home and regurgitated all your frustrations at your partner. This can make them feel unloved, unwanted and unappreciated.

Others may feel that the excitement has long gone from their relationship; they have been there and done that. Same old, same old. It’s dull, boring and repetitive. In a recent survey carried out by Relate it was found that the main reasons cited for marriage break ups and infidelity were due to “drifting apart and a lack of connection, feeling unloved, low self-esteem and an imbalance in shared responsibilities”.

So what should you do to make your relationship work and bring it back from the brink?

I believe the most important thing is to talk to each other. Simple as! Find out what your partner wants and talk about what you want. Think about how it was in the beginning and what you found attractive and exciting about each other, what it means being a couple, what you want to get out of it?

A little homework I set my clients is to write out 5 to 10 personal affirmations. These statements could be things you like, things you want your partner to do, maybe things that used to happen or things you’ve never tried but want to. Again, if you’ve never said it, how does your partner know? Think of it as a love contract! Not all suggestions will not happen, you have to be realistic – being dressed as a sexy fire fighter or police officer or wearing 8” heels, stockings and a mini skirt every day could become a little tedious and may not be the most practical of attire, especially to take the kids to school, but it doesn’t have to be totally off limits. Likewise if your partner isn’t pulling their weight, if household chores are not being shared and one party is feeling unappreciated, taken for granted or put upon, this is not going to lead to harmony in the household and certainly no bonking in the bedroom! Obviously, there will have to be some compromise made in these requests, but at least you have communicated what you like and what you would like to happen in your relationship. It doesn’t cost a lot to smell and look nice, or to help more around the house, just a bit of effort and thought is required on both sides.

Once you have made your list and talked about the things you’d like to happen, the next step is to put these requests into action. A lot has been said about “date nights” for those in long-term relationships but far from it being a waste of time, it is a way of getting back to the early days when your relationship was exciting.

Think about what first attracted you to each other. I am a great believer in writing things down, so write a “love letter” to your partner. Tell them what it was that you first found attractive and what you find attractive now. Think about how you would feel if they weren’t in your life, what would you miss? Thinking about how they made you feel in the early days of your relationship and recreating those feelings now. Putting these ideas onto paper and read them back to yourself, will help you and your partner identify what was and is good in your relationship, and how you can build and strengthen your bond.

It must also be noted that men and women are like two totally different species; the authors of the book “Women are from Venus, Men are from Mars” was not kidding when they wrote it. Men and women react differently to stimuli and situations; men can be more visual and women more auditory. This is most apparent when getting undressed ready for bed. Contrary to popular belief, men are not looking at their wives’ or girlfriends’ “fat bits” or cellulite, they’re probably thinking “she’s getting naked, will be in my bed shortly and I might be up for a shag!” Tip of the day: the biggest and most sensual erogenous zone in the human body in both sexes is, of course, the brain. So in a world of technical advancement, why not take the opportunity of sending sexy text messages to each other to spice up your lovelife; just don’t press “send to all” when replying!

If you or your partner are experiencing difficulties and would like to talk to someone confidentially, why not book an appointment with me to discuss how counselling can help. See my websites for details or email/call me direct.

Tel: 07722606253
Reference articles

Burnout and its Effects

Just read a startling article about burnout, (see below). I’ve seen this happen first hand when working in the City – too many people working ridiculously long hours and under immense pressure. Something’s got to give….
If any of this sounds familiar to you and you’re struggling to cope, you need help and fast. Talking about your situation is a good start whether its to your partner, family, friends, employer, or if that’s not possible, go and see a Counsellor who can help you make some changes.
We are told that we all need to succeed in life, try that bit harder, go for the promotion, beat last year’s target but if it starts to make you ill, what’s the point? It has been proved that there is a connection between feeling continuously anxious and stressed and actual physical illness. Stress can kill you if you don’t do something about it.
Burnout is a modern day epidemic but one which is destroying people by stealth. No one wants to talk about their situation, they don’t want anyone to know they can’t cope, and there lies the problem.
Take back control of your life, go and speak to a Counsellor, work out a strategy and make a new start.
If you’d like to come and see me for some one to one counselling and/or hypnotherapy, please PM me here or on my websites ChelmsfordCounselling.com and/or ChelmsfordHypnotherapist.com

How burnout became a sinister and insidious epidemic

In a bedroom in North Yorkshire at 2am, Sara Cox lay next to her sleeping husband in the dark, her eyes open and her jaw clenched shut, anxious thoughts whirling. For the previous two years, the stress of her job at an independent local pharmacy had gradually become intolerable.